Friday 7 September 2007

Meeting with Victor's Head teacher. 2 Yorkies At-It!

Friday 7th September


Hi, Paqui came for a drink in the bar and we both agreed that the attempt to mate Sami with her Yorkie Duke was just not working, as he bites and cannot be put on a lead and generally cannot be handled.

Some good news though, Yesterday Graham was walking on an area of grass just in front of our bar with Sami on a lead, when he met a lady called Solidad who had a beautiful male Yorkie with her. Graham asked her if she would make her dog available to sire Sami and she readily agreed, so today at 5pm she is going to bring her lovely dog to our place for an hour. Eli is also coming to help, as she has some experience in this area. We have been told by an expert that as the male is smaller than Sami, we must put him on a large book and help him to do his thing.


Hi, This morning Victor and I had breakfast in Bar Ricardo in San Pedro and waited for a call from his International College to tell us when we should come to have a meeting with his Head teacher. When we eventually did get a chance to meet the Head teacher we discussed how the school could get involved in helping Street Children in Nepal to be taken off the street and placed in charitably funded boarding schools.

Victor went into the meeting equipped with a folder showing Deepana the girl we have been sponsoring for 5 years now. He had pictures showing her each year since then. In the midst of the discussion Olivia called me to ask me from the bar to ask me to take Victor to keep Sergio company (He’s in a wheelchair and his Mum was at work and needed someone to pop in a see that he was OK.) I told Olivia that I would drop Victor there ASAP.

Victor had a great idea for raising money thru the school to support a child in Nepal for an entire year. His idea was that each child in the school should bring in a second hand book and then sell it to another child in his or her class for say 2 Euros. This scheme should raise about 500 Euros, enough to send a Street Child to school for a year and also pay for clothes and shelter. The head teacher was very impressed and said that although there are already about 15 charities snapping at the school's ankles it would have to choose just 10 of them to champion for the next academic year. The head also added that the school would give serious consideration to Victor’s proposal. Just to add a little more weight to his case Victor told the Head that parents would also be able buy second had English books from our bar restaurant in the Diana Centre San Pedro-Estepona and the money would be accredited to the school’s collection.

Running a bar restaurant you always have plenty of cash, so unlike most parents we paid for Victors entire year 2007-2008 in cash, so we can now forget about school fees for another year. All in all a productive morning, now let’s see how the dogs get on this afternoon!

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