Tuesday 11 September 2007

Anti-Terrorist Squad Called-Out in Torremuelle.

10 th September


Hi, Sami has now mated twice with another beautiful Yorkie called (and I must correct the previously published name here.) Poki. She has been very relaxed since and needed a lot of attention. If she comes to the bar with Graham she simply lies under the table and chills. Whenever I come home from working in the bar and sit on the sofa for example, she immediately cuddles up close to me and almost seems to have a smile on her face. The vet came to the bar to see me and said that 28 days after the coupling we should bring her for a scan, to see if she is pregnant, but quite honestly I (think anyone with an ounce of common sense could readily see that she is pregnant by the way she is acting). Oh! And in the bar Renata has started a sweepstake based on guessing the exact time of birth of the first puppy.


Hi, Friday night I went down to Torremuelle on the bus to stay with my good friend Pablo. We had a great time at Plaza Major just outside Malaga. We all met up in a bar called El Cid in Fuengirola and then took the train to Plaza Major, where we did a tour of several bars there talking to lots of pretty girls. Unfortunately 2 young people who were with us, who started acting very stupidly, spoilt the great evening. There is a lot of talk in the media just now about Muslims who come to live in Britain, but do nothing to try to fit in to British society. We all have our individual views on this subject and normally we discuss such topical issues in a reasonable way, but 2 young people who were in our group making our way home to Torremuelle started acting in a very silly way, as I have already said we had been in quite a few different bars and they were probably a bit pissed. The time was about 1:30 am and these 2 individuals decide to throw 2 firecrackers into the garden of urbanization. Most of us felt that this was irresponsible behaviour, but as individuals we didn’t know how to get rid of these 2 kids and then to make matters worse they put white scarves on their heads and pretended to be Al- Qaeda terrorists. Of course in hindsight we should have just told them to F--- ---- and made an about turn separating ourselves from the people who were behaving stupidly, for instance we could easily have hailed a cab to get clear of them. It would have been expensive being after midnight, but there are times when trying to save money is not important.

We didn’t take contingency action and guess what? Yes! The police had been alerted by a taxi driver, who had said that he had seen terrorist like people, with explosives in the area and as soon as they arrived they surrounded our group of seven. They were very tough and rude with all of us. They kept us there shivering for about 2 hours whilst they waved sub-machine guns around. These guys were the real deal; armed to the teeth with grenades, stun grenades, CS gas canisters and powerful, sub-machine guns, equipped with lazar sights. They questioned all of us individually and then radioed thru to verify our stories. They called my Mum at 4:00 am to ask her to verify what I had told them. I don’t mind admitting we were all very frightened and glad to get back to our beds at around 5 am.

We have all learned a valuable lesson the hard way and I’ll be talking about the scenario in the bar all week, but of course a few detail will change, so that I become the hero of the story. One thing is for certain though; I will never get caught up with idiots like that again.

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