Wednesday 12 September 2007

Dr Victoria a Great GP in the Diana Centre.

Wednesday 12th September



For that last few weeks I have had an uncomfortable feeling across the front of my body just below my rib cage. I have been too busy in the bar to get to the doctors, so I have tried keeping on a really healthy diet, eating a lot of fruit and keeping my meals small, but regular (every 4 hours.). The sensation has not cleared, so I went to see my GP who is one of the loveliest Doctors you will ever find. She is fondly known simply as Victoria by her clients, but her full name is: Victoria Chacon-Almeda and she’s easy to find, just above our bar in block 1 of the Diana Centre at Km 168.

Dr.Victoria sent me to have my stomach and abdomen scanned, which I did today. I Made sure that the bar was open and up and running, before Graham drove me to San Pedro. He waited for me in bar El Mastren whilst I went off to have my scan. They did it on the spot and handed it to me in an envelope addressed to Dr Victoria and then I went back to meet Graham in Bar El Mastren. It’s owned by Antonio, who is a really friendly guy, he has a great assistant behind the bar, who never panics no matter how busy the place gets, her name is Paqui and then there’s a very friendly, very professional waitress called Rocio and a waiter called Jesus who’s also very chatty and friendly, so all in all, it’s a great place to go for coffee and a bite to eat anytime you’re in San Pedro. He used to run an English bar in Spain, but this place is traditional Spanish and his menu really is good.

As soon as we’d had breakfast we came back to see Dr Victoria, who said that she thinks all I have is gastritis or ulceration. I have been worrying stupidly I suppose about Victors and his “A” levels and that coupled with his teenage moodiness and the fact that he hasn’t got a clue what he wants to do when he leaves college, has been making me feel nervous and stressed out.

The treatment; I have to take Omerprazol (Prilosec) every morning for a while to line my stomach and see if the problem clears up, so we were both very happy about the news. We returned to the bar, which was very busy, so I got straight down to helping Eli get the place under control.

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