Thursday 1 November 2007

Yesterday We Closed Our Bar Restaurant and Went To a Private Halloween Party in a Bar in Benalmadena.

A Great Halloween Private Party Held in a Bar in Benalmadena.

Our Friends in Benalmadena Put on a Great Running Buffet in their Bar Restaurant.

In the Bar at Benalmadena, Vol-Au-Vents to Die For!!!!!!!

Thursday 1st November


We shut the bar up early yesterday and left Estepona to head for Benalmadena. We have some good friends there who have just opened their first bar in Spain, something that they have been dreaming about for years. They were getting more and more fed up with an England, which in their words. “Is well past its sell-by date”. And they detest the cold, wet and windy, English weather.

My friends saw their bar restaurant advertised in Dalton’s: “English Bar Restaurant for Sale or Lease. Costa del Sol, Spain. Very good position. Owner retiring. ----------”

The lease was going for 100,000 euros and the rent was set at 1,300 pm. After getting me to go down there and check the place out for them first, which I did; I sent them a favourable report in which I stressed that it had an L shaped terrace, good passing trade and was close to a 3 star hotel, they jumped on the next flight to Malaga, viewed the Bar Cafeteria and paid for the lease 50% cash, declaring the other 50% on the books. This is the normal way business is conducted on the Costa del Sol. As I have given out details of the transaction, I’d better not tell you their names or that of the bar.

They have had the bar since June and are doing quite well there gradually building up new trade, through having a good menu and also being very congenial people who make fiends easily. They love organising parties in their bar, so they really did put a lot of effort into preparing for last night’s do. They even had spare fancy dress kits for those who turned up in their civvies.

The party was private so we had to buy a ticket each, at 50 euros a go and that covered entry to the bar restaurant and all the food and drink that you could want, so we felt it was a really good deal. The food was great including: A wide range of very tasty vol-au-vents, some great Lebanese dishes and best of all no queuing at the bar to get a drink. The bar was really speeded up by people having bought tickets and not having to handle money, so a great time was had by all. So I think we picked one of the better run bar restaurants on the Costa del Sol in which to celebrate our Halloween. Best of all though; No clearing up to do afterwards!!!!!!!!!!!!!!YES!!!!!!!!!!!!



>>Click Here! Bar Restaurant for Rent, Sale, Costa del Sol, Spain<<

(If you are looking for a really brilliant architect who is bi-lingual and will convert your house or build you a new one, together with all the correct legal papers; please email me through my website for more details).

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