Tuesday 13 November 2007

What is a Real Friend?

Tuesday 13th November


What is a real friend? We all wonder about that unfathomable question a lot. We are mostly as a breed very insecure and we certainly need to know that we’ve got good friends, but what is a good friend? How do we know if a person we spend a lot of time with; in our house or out and about down the gym, in bars and restaurants, shopping or perhaps lying on the beach is really our friend or just an acquaintance?

I love this subject and I suppose I could actually write a book about it, but what can I say in just 200-400 words that will throw any light on this concept that we are always questioning? Perhaps the easiest way is just to tell you a little bit about one of our friends and then maybe just maybe we will be reminded that there are good people all around us, although there are times when we spend our time with people who just want to use us in some way.

I met Yolanda in my bar restaurant, about 20 years ago. Yolanda is an identical twin. When we met in the bar she was 13 years old and she is now 33.

I can’t go into much detail with just one page available to me, so this will be a sort of sketch of Yolanda and her part in my our lives.

When she was young she used to baby-sit our son Victor, whilst we were at work in the bar restaurant. She never just sat and watched the box; instead she would read to Victor or (Above) Yolanda with two of the Yorkie pups (Now 8 days old!).get him to read to her. Through the bar we would find her other baby sitting jobs, paying several times more per hour than we were able to pay her, but she never ever asked us for extra money.

Yolanda’s family are split between France, where they have a big restaurant and Cadiz where they have a lease for sale on a massive commercial unit. They are breaking the unit up into smaller locals shops and bars and then selling leases on them to clients who want smaller units.

Whenever we go on holiday, whether it be a day trip to Tarifa or 2 weeks in the Dominican Republic, we always invite her as part of our family. Whenever there’s work to be done, she makes sure she pulls her weight and never waits to be asked.

Yolanda is here right now. She came to see the puppies and realizing that the air-con guys had just finished their work here, as soon as she’d seen the puppies she grabbed the cleaning equipment and went right through the house, sweeping, mopping and polishing in every room.

(Above) Yolanda on holiday with us in the

Dominican Republic.

(Left) Yolanda with a jealous Sami looking on.

She is always smiling, happy, positive and always asks all about me or Olivia before mentioning anything about her own life.

Yes! I think we could say that Yolanda is a good friend.

(If you would like to make your own comments on this topic; I’d love to hear from you. All you have to do is to click the comment link and then type away.)



>>Click Here! Bar Restaurant for Rent, Sale, Costa del Sol, Spain<<

(If you are looking for a really brilliant architect who is bi-lingual and will convert your house or build you a new one, together with all the correct legal papers; please email me through my website for more details).

Town house in Urb. Monte, Marbella. Needs doing up. Quick sale sought. Going Cheap

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