Thursday 25 October 2007

Half Term School Reports are out in Andalusia.

Thursday 25th October


A lot of our bar customers have children in English International Colleges here on the Costa del Sol, some in Marbella, others as far away as Fuengirola. So one of the main topics of conversation over the bar has been; how their children are doing at school and of course the contents of their half term school reports.

Victor got back form school and popped into the bar restaurant to hand us his report, mostly it was average or above, but he needs to work harder at his A” Chemistry if he is to do well in his final A level grade. He has been criticised for not doing enough Community Services work within the school. This basically means helping to teach younger children. Tomorrow I shall be complaining to the school over this comment. My view is straight forward; if he is struggling to keep up with three tough A levels (Maths, Chem. and Physics.); it is ridiculous that he should be asked to loose time from his course by teaching youngsters. Isn’t that what teachers are paid to do?

One thing that I did feel pleased about was that none of our customers were in a position to boast about their children having a string of A’s on their report. The general consensus at the bar was that education today simply isn’t relevant enough to life. George put it quite well by saying that the only subjects taught by schools today at A level that actually provide a child with life skills are: English Maths and Sport. Actually there weren’t many parents at the bar who could put up a strong argument against that. It seems to me that any other A level subject is just a ticket to get into university, where you really have to start studying the subject in depth, so that you eventually become equipped with the skills and knowledge to get yourself a job.

Changing the subject; Olivia had a mad moment today when she took down all the curtains in the bar and stuck them in the washing machine. Not a job that gets done as regularly as it should, but the restaurant area does look really nice when all the lace curtains have been freshly washed.

If you have any comments on the state of A level education today; I’d love to here from you.



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