Monday 16 July 2007

Dr.Victoria an angel. Centro Comercial Diana

Monday 16th July



When you have a real medical problem, that needs the attention of a specialist, you must search and search, until you find someone who really understands your problem and also really wants to help you get better. This is like trying to find a needle in a haystack.

I had a big operation on my lumber spine, 6 years ago and have been unable to work ever since, due to high levels of pain.

I have seen many, many specialists. I have a pile of CAT scans a foot thick, but have got absolutely nowhere.

But now I have made a break through, thanks to an angel,

my G.P. Dr.Victoria Chacon-Almeda. She has moved heaven and earth to get me appointments with top neurologist etc and it is through her that I got to see the top man at the Pain-Clinic (Unidad De Dolor) in Hospital Civil, Malaga.

He has intimated prior to writing his report that my pain comes from aggravated nerves at the back of my lumber spine.

He has doubled the amount of Lyrica that I have been taking and he has added to that Morphine, Tramadol and Clonazepam drops, for when the pain is simple gets too much.

I cannot tell you how much better I feel with the new dosages of drugs and the prospect of a REAL expert conducting test, aimed to eliminate my pain is just fantastic.

I feel like a million dollars!

Tomorrow I should have his report to hand and will tell you his findings more precisely.

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