Friday 31st August
Our close friends Liz and Russell, who are also godparents to Victor, made some substantial investments here on the Costa about 2 years ago. Whilst they are often out here and spend a lot of time in our bar restaurant with us; they live and work in England, but want to establish a foothold here, with a view to eventually moving down here and working from home via the Internet.
They waltzed into our bar about 2 years ago and announced that they’d just bought 2 lovely 3 bedroom apartments off-plan in Puerto de la Duquesa and a large plot of land East of Malaga, where land is still relatively cheap to buy. The 2 apartments are now ready and on the market, so they should have a nice return from them, as they chose 2 of the best ones off-plan, you know what I mean; one has an enormous terrace with a golf view and the other has a corner terrace with two great views, both apts. face south and are close to the communal bar restaurant. They have a poster of one of the apts up in the communal bar to rent, but the other one they are going to enjoy using themselves, whilst it is up for sale.
As far as the large plot is concerned they are going to build a beautiful villa there and they also have plans to build a bar in the same area and offer the lease for sale.
Hi, A few days ago I was called along with my Dad to my international college for an interview with my Business Studies teacher. The main point of the meeting was to discus my A/S grades and my A2 options for my final year. We decided that I would drop Business, as I only just passed that and press-on with the 3 tough subjects; Maths, Physics and Chemistry, which are all subjects that I am both good at and interested in, as I will have quite a lot of free periods, my teacher wants me to do Spanish A/S or to use some of my time to help teachers with the younger kids, probably with their Maths. I was told that I have to work harder, which I accept is true, but on the other hand my friends want me to buy a X-Box 360 and spend more time linked-up to them on the Internet. They all flunked year 12, I wonder why????????????
My head teacher wants me to present my charity project to her and also talk to her about the Community Work I do, as she wants to introduce the concept of 6th formers working in the community into the school.
I am going to meet her in our bar restaurant, as she wants to meet my friend Sergio who is in a wheel chair and he can drive his mobility scooter to our bar, no problem, as he lives very near. Whilst we are in the bar I can also show her the DVD (on the bars entertainment equipment) of the Street Children in Kathmandu that I raise money for. I guess that she is considering the “Buddha Memorial Children’s Home Trust” as one of her adopted charities for 2007-2008. Wow that would be a great boost and probably raise enough money to keep a least 2 Street Children in a boarding school for a whole year. I really hope that she makes the right choice!